Home » Morocco Expands Health Coverage to over 32 Million Irregular Economy Workers
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Morocco Expands Health Coverage to over 32 Million Irregular Economy Workers

During a monthly session at the House of Councilors, Akhannouch said that the number of individuals working in the unregulated economy who have registered for the National Social Security Fund (CNSS) jumped to 23.2 million over the past year. 

Meanwhile, the number of citizens who gained access to health coverage (AMO) stood at 9.4 million.

“The government has also facilitated the modalities of access to health care services in decent conditions, so as to ensure equality between all Moroccans, regardless of their financial and professional situation.” The increase in the number of citizens with access to healthcare echoes the rise in the number of fillings the CNSS received for healthcare-related reimbursements, the head of government pointed out. The number of fillings from individuals in the unregulated economy sector exceeded 640.000 in 2022, with 53,400 of the number of fillings taking place in December alone.

In addition to boosting access to healthcare coverage, CNSS has equally worked to facilitate access to its services by opening new agencies. In 2022, CNSS opened 47 additional local agencies, launched 45 mobile agencies, and created 8,000 communication centers to register new workers.

CNSS equally built a network of 2,000 points for workers to file for healthcare-related reimbursement files.

Source: Morocco World News

About the author

Dirar Mourad

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