Home » Morocco, UK discuss ways to enhance bilateral trade
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Morocco, UK discuss ways to enhance bilateral trade

“Morocco is the UK’s fourth largest trading partner in Africa and this is an opportunity to further grow the £2.7bn trading relationship between our two Kingdoms, particularly in areas like healthcare, agriculture, clean growth, and education,” said Huddleston.

Strengthening trade in renewable energy, particularly green hydrogen, was the focus of talks with Minister of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development Leila Benali. The talks were an opportunity to examine the various topics of common interest, including energy transition, sustainable development and the environment.

Benali highlighted the strategic partnership between Morocco and the United Kingdom and the breakthroughs achieved in bilateral cooperation since the COP 26 which took place in Glasgow, Scotland. She stressed that the two governments both aim to increase their trade.

The British side has expressed special interest in increasing trade in green energy, including hydrogen and green electrons, as the Moroccan market has a huge potential in energy that should be explored to increase in quantity, value and quality of bilateral trade.

At a meeting with Minister of Transport and Logistics, Mohammed Abdelajalil, the British official highlighted the multiple prospects for cooperation that cover sectors such as agriculture, transport, infrastructure and goods and services. He voiced in this connection his country’s willingness to support Moroccan projects relating to railroads and civil aviation.

Source: The North Africa Post

About the author

Aqil Ben Bouchta

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