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Sarkozy Points Out That Supporting the Algerian Regime Will Damage Relations With Morocco

A catalogued book “only for French people” is the new literary work of the former French president. In the magazine An interview for Figaro, Sarkozy told that this new book is a continuation of his books “Passions” (2019) and “The Time of Storms” (2020).

In this new book, Nicolas Sarkozy supports the Algerian nationalism of his successor, Emmanuel Macron, which is viewed negatively by the highest spheres of French politics. In short, it determines that this Algerian tropism, or relationship of dependence, does more harm than good to the country and does not achieve anything for the benefit of France.

The former president affirmed that “there is no intention of building an artificial friendship with the Algerian leaders who habitually use France as a scapegoat to mask their own shortcomings and their deficit of legitimacy.” He asserts that “they (Algerian officials) will always reject it and they constantly attribute all the problems to France, but this is not enough for non-Algerian Algerian leaders to be able to hide the failure they have caused to their nation.”

This Algerian stereotype, in Nicolas Sarkozy’s opinion, has a negative impact on France’s goodwill towards Morocco. In addition, this tropism takes us away from Morocco. We could possibly lose everything. The Algerians didn’t trust us and neither did Morocco, according to Macron.

However, President Macron has always maintained close contact with the politics of the Kingdom of Morocco. The French president on the occasion of the Throne Party congratulated Monarch Mohamed VI and stressed that “France, with loyalty and respect, has always given priority to cooperation with Morocco” and noted that “the successes achieved by Morocco since the beginning of His Majesty’s reign and under his modernizing impulse are remarkable.”

AFP/FADEL SENNA - El ex presidente francés y jefe del Partido Republicano, Nicolas Sarkozy, se reúne con el rey marroquí Mohammed VI en el Palacio Real de la capital, Rabat, el 22 de junio de 2015
AFP/FADEL SENNA – Former French President and head of the Republican Party Nicolas Sarkozy meets with Moroccan King Mohammed VI at the Royal Palace in the capital Rabat on June 22, 2015

As I recall, Nicolas Sarkozy is not the only person who disagrees with Macron’s prejudice against Algeria. Parliamentarians, among others, have expressed concern about the impact of this tropism on relations with Morocco, particularly taking into account the fact that France will pay by losing. The speaker from France opined: “We will not gain Algeria’s trust and we will lose Morocco’s.”

“This tropism transports us out of Morocco. We could lose everything, which is a possibility”

The most vehement criticism of this tropism came from Xavier Driencourt, former French ambassador to Algeria. The former diplomat pointed out in a note entitled “Emmanuel Macron’s Algerian bet: illusions, risks and mistakes” that the cooling of relations between France and Morocco is due to Macron’s Algerian tropism, which led him to make a losing bet.

PHOTO/DAMIEN MEYER via AP - En esta fotografía de archivo del viernes 27 de mayo de 2011, el presidente francés Nicolas Sarkozy (derecha) da la bienvenida al presidente argelino Abdelaziz Bouteflika antes de una mesa redonda en la cumbre del G8 en Deauville, Francia. El ex presidente argelino Bouteflika, que luchó por la independencia de Francia en las décadas de 1950 y 1960 y fue derrocado en medio de protestas a favor de la democracia en 2019 después de 20 años en el poder
PHOTO/DAMIEN MEYER via AP – In this Friday, May 27, 2011 file photo, former French President Nicolas Sarkozy (right) welcomes Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika before a roundtable discussion at the G8 summit in Deauville, France. Former Algerian President Bouteflika, who fought for independence from France in the 1950s and 1960s and was ousted amid pro-democracy protests in 2019 after 20 years in power

Referring to political issues, the former French ambassador to Algiers said that “France needs a peaceful relationship with Morocco for reasons identical to those that require a normal or at least peaceful relationship with Algiers.” He added that “to believe that the Algerian commitment will save France from friendly relations and agreements with Rabat is a mistake”. France must cooperate fully with Morocco on security, economic and immigration issues.

It was anticipated that Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune’s state visit to France in the spring would be a significant step towards Emmanuel Macron’s goal of a rapprochement with Algeria and a historic reconciliation. But this visit, which was never formally announced, has not yet been scheduled, which is a sign of the current tensions between the two nations, and a sign of hope.

Source : Atalayar