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Nealy 90% of Moroccans Not Satisfied with Morocco’s Green Plan

A recent survey by the Moroccan Center for Citizenship has established that an overwhelming majority of Moroccans are not satisfied with Morocco’s Green Plan, with many arguing that it has failed to achieve desired outcomes.

Launched by the Moroccan government in 2008, the Morocco Green Plan is an initiative that aims to modernize and improve the country’s agricultural sector, as well as promote sustainable practices and reduce poverty in rural areas.

Conducted between March 3 and 31, the survey showed that 89.3% of Moroccans were “generally unsatisfied” with the Plan and that 94.2% believe it has failed to reduce the prices of agricultural products.

In addition, more than 80% of the participants said that the plan failed to improve living conditions in rural areas and enhance food security in the country, while 75.1% said it has failed to provide additional water resources.

The participants also expressed disappointment with the plan’s impact on job creation, with 72.7% saying it has failed to support youth in creating agriculture-related projects, and 57.2% arguing it has failed to create additional job opportunities in the sector.

Participants also raised concerns regarding the allocation of public funds, with more than 87% believing that the achieved results did not justify the financial resources invested in the Morocco Green Plan.

It also showed widespread dissatisfaction with communication and engagement from the Ministry of Agriculture with the farming community, especially small farmers, regarding the implementation and progress of the plan. Specifically,  93.9% of participants believed that the main beneficiaries of the plan were large-scale farmers.

Of the 294 farmers who participated in the survey, only 24 (8.2%) confirmed that they have benefited from the support of the plan.

Given the participants’ perceived lack of progress in several areas that the plan promised to tackle, the survey outlined a set of recommendations to make improvements.

This includes conducting an independent evaluation of the Green Morocco Plan, launching a national dialogue on food sovereignty priorities, supporting rural youth employment, as well as prioritizing small farmers, among others.

Source: Morocco World News