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Ukraine Prepares 40,000 Fighters for Counteroffensive – Reuters

Ukraine has trained eight new assault brigades totaling 40,000 men for the counteroffensive, Reuters reported , citing Ukrainian recruits and their commanders in training.

The purpose of the counteroffensive, for which Ukraine is preparing, is to liberate the territories occupied by Russia. The recruits and their trainers told Reuters that a counteroffensive was expected in the coming weeks or months.

The new brigades were formed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, they will fight together with the regular army. The brigades were named “Steel Border”, “Hurricane”, “Spartan”, “Chervona Kalina”, “Frontier”, “Fury”, “Azov” and “Karadag”.

Interior Minister Igor Klymenko told the agency that the recruits include women, people with no military experience, and former police and military personnel. According to him, the training of civilians without experience will take up to four months, and former police and military personnel – two.

In February, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine announced the recruitment of recruits for the Offensive Guard. As representatives of the National Guard of Ukraine reported at the end of March, more than 35 thousand applications were received from those wishing to get into the Offensive Guard.

Source : Central Asia