Home » China’s Gotion High-Tech to Open Electric Vehicle Battery Plant in Morocco
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China’s Gotion High-Tech to Open Electric Vehicle Battery Plant in Morocco

Rabat – As part of its massive global efforts to increase the availability and robustness of the EV (Electric Vehicle) market, Chinese manufacturer of EV batteries Gotion High-Tech is considering building a facility in Morocco.

According to a statement from global tech giant ABB Group, a collaborative project team must complete a feasibility assessment in order to bring ABB goods and services to Gotion High-Tech.

The team will also investigate the possibility of collaborating on research and development (R&D) and determine how Gotion High-Tech’s battery cells, modules, and packs may be delivered to ABB and its affiliates.

The two companies have recently inked a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to facilitate the establishment and growth of large-scale lithium-ion battery facilities to cater to the needs of the US and European electric vehicle (EV) industries.

ABB and Gotion High-Tech will work together to provide a master design plan that integrates automation, electrification, and digital technologies.

“We’re confident that ABB’s approaches are proven to scale up operations quickly while ensuring safety and environmental responsibility are addressed at every stage,” said Gotion Chairman Li Zhen.

For his part, Business Unit Manager of Battery Manufacturing at ABB Staffan Sodergard stated that the agreement is “a new milestone for ABB in battery manufacturing where we will be partnering with Gotion High-Tech for the development of their large-scale battery factories.”

He went on to say that producing large quantities of batteries is still a primary concern to guarantee a steady and readily available supply for the worldwide market as the demand for electric vehicles keeps rising.

In addition, ABB will investigate the supply of various hardware, software, and digital resources for material handling, transportation, and adaptive machine and line automation.

These resources will also regard the integration of third-party assets, server and client hardware, line management, and assistance in controlling different material flows within the plant.

ABB will look at the possible uses of Gotion High-Tech’s products for many applications including maritime, microgrids, as well as renewable energy.

Earlier this year, Morocco and China’s Gotion High-Tech reached an agreement to establish an electric vehicle battery manufacturing complex valued at $6.4 billion, making it Africa’s first substantial battery plant.

Source: Morocco World News