Young African voices are gaining popularity on social media the world over, using these platforms for comedy and political debate – and often for political...
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Several incumbent African governments suffered sweeping defeats in elections in 2024, including in Senegal, Ghana and Mauritius The sweeping defeats of several...
Traditional peacekeeping is not working in Africa: Resolving existing conflicts requires revised diagnoses that are not shaped by particular interests or...
West Africa and the Sahel continue to grapple with a confluence of political, security and humanitarian crises as countries prepares for pivotal elections in...
Stampedes during three Christmas charity events across Nigeria have left at least 67 people dead in the past week, many of them children. Families are...
South African composer Lebo M, renowned for creating the distinctive opening chant of The Lion King’s Circle of Life, rose from his life in exile in the...
Malaria has been identified as the likeliest cause of an illness that has killed more than 80 people in south-western Democratic Republic of Congo...
Washington (19/12 – 40). The Russian disinformation is centered on influencing U.S. corporation thru a network of former spies of the KGB or the FSB. One...
Wars are fought in many ways. In trenches, behind the wheel of tank, at the trigger of an artillery piece, in the rear supporting the troops. But the war in...
It was bitter cold, but I don’t remember freezing or being cold. Hemingway wrote that the air was so cold when you took a breath it was like drinking water. We...