Home » Lavrov: Russia and the United States Are in the Hot Phase of the War Because of the Supply of Weapons to Ukraine
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Lavrov: Russia and the United States Are in the Hot Phase of the War Because of the Supply of Weapons to Ukraine

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that Russia and the United States are in the hot phase of the war because of the supply of weapons to Ukraine. At the same time, in his opinion, it is important for Russia to maintain relations with the United States.

“We are really in the hot phase of the war, because the Ukrainian Nazis are fighting with American weapons first of all, and the American administration each time threatens to supply more and more long-range, deadly systems,” Mr. Lavrov told journalist Pavel Zarubin on the Russia 1 TV channel . .

“We do not lose hope that the Americans will awaken their minds and they will resume some kind of dialogue. We’ll see, it’s not long to wait,” he said, commenting on the presentation of credentials by ambassadors of 17 countries, including the United States.

Today, April 5, the ceremony of presenting credentials by ambassadors of 17 countries took place in the Kremlin. At the ceremony, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that US-Russian relations are in deep crisis. Also, according to him, the differences between the two countries are based on different principles for the formation of the world order.

Source : Коммерсантъ

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Askari Seddiki

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